第一章 绪论
The introduction
1.1 Introduction Selected Topic Background
Reform and opening up has entered into its thirty-fourth year, China’s economic and social development, China’s rapid economic development, the gross national product (GNP) GDP long-term to maintain high growth, economy officially surpassed Japan in 2010, becoming one of the world, many people proud. As areas of high-speed urbanization development in our country, in the past 30 years has completed the development of the western developed countries hundreds of years. Behind the glory, the highlight of our social problems also gradually, seriously restrict and affect the economic development and construction of civilized city in China. Urban population growth year by year, the number of vehicles increases, brought enormous pressure to urban traffic, traffic system overload operation, to growing contradiction between human, vehicle, road, traffic jams, traffic accidents and traffic congestion phenomenon of widespread, of the people’s life and work seriously, the passage of the economy, environment pollution and make our social discord and unstable phenomenon in the development, the impact on the development of our economy and the quality of the people live and work. , according to data traffic problems along with the economic development of China in the increasingly serious, blocked by the simplification to the traffic jam to massive traffic jams, a “stuck in Beijing” 2003 posts is directly expounds the seriousness of the Beijing traffic jams at that time, make our country most people speak of Beijing in natural think of Beijing traffic problems, which become the symbol of a city. That the traffic problem is imminent. But after Beijing, most of the first-tier cities and developed cities in China also successively appear traffic jam phenomenon, such as: guangzhou, Shanghai, wuhan and other regions, for the development of the city has brought many unfavorable factors. Due to the traffic facilities and traffic management level in our country, the influence of the past “blocking city” springing up, just like that. According to our country to investigate, traffic accidents and congestion loss by at least 170 billion yuan a year, and this trend also increased year by year, for the development of national economy and the improvement of people living on caused great negative impact, the development of a city center is the development of urban traffic, and traffic management, the traffic problems and directly influence the progress of the city, so to solve the traffic problems, improve the management level, for the city development and improvement of the national economy plays an important role. Regional governments in China to deal with the problem of traffic have actively take effective measures, first, increase the investment of road construction, improving road supply; Second, improve traffic management technology, improve the using efficiency of traffic supply. Obviously the first method is by increasing supply, meet the demand of methods to solve the problem, but the construction of the existing speed far cannot meet the demand. This phenomenon in our country, so, not only in all countries in the world in general, the vehicle population growth state of present an infinite loop, and the road construction is restricted by geographical environment and road resources, in the construction is very difficult to vehicle speed is proportional to the growth of population, and in some countries, such as the United States, Europe, road construction has developed rapidly, but the resulting stagnant growth. It fully shows the countries rely on unilateral increase path is simply cannot meet the demand of traffic tools such as cars, not actually solve the traffic problems. The deterioration of traffic conditions with the environmental pollution problem, energy problem. Such as: the United States, less population, accounted for under five percent of the world’s population, but energy consumption accounts for over thirty percent of the world’s energy consumption, among which, 25% of transportation consumes energy. It related to the development background and policy in the United States, but also can response problems of traffic in the United States. Known, transportation was the cause of environmental pollution in cities is a key problem, the development of a city if you don’t solve the problem of pollution from traffic, directly affect the environment of the city, causing social problems. And in solving urban traffic problems in our country, in road construction and improve traffic management, traffic management level in our country, the utilization rate of roads, still far behind with other developed countries, our country is rich in land area, road construction is also increased year by year, but the limitation of information technology, the serious influence the efficiency of our country road, there is such a set of data: auto growth rate from 1978 to 1978 in China, raised the 27 times, and then only on road construction has increased by 0.32 times. And our country’s road intersection traffic capacity compared with the developed countries, there is a certain gap, road utilization rate is low, and solve the traffic problems in road construction in our country should actively learn from other countries of advanced technology and management methods, introduces the informationization technology in traffic management, reduce the traffic pressure of the system, and the reasonable and scientific to solve the traffic problem, creating a balanced development of the environment, reduce the traffic problems, promote the harmony and stability of the traffic.
表1.1 安全效益(道路交通事故减少的比例)
技术种类 产生效益 国家
先进的交通信号控制 75%-80% 日本
自适应交通信号控制 18% 美国
自适应交通信号控制 30% 欧洲
匝道控制 24%-50% 美国
超速监控照相机 20%-80% 美国
超速监控照相机 50% 欧洲
HOV汽车专用道 30% 欧洲
天气监测和可变信息板 30%-40% 欧洲
相撞报警 33%-40% 美国
避免相撞系统 17% 美国
动态路径诱导 1% 美国
事故与紧急事件管理 15% 美国
紧急事件快速反应 7%-12% 欧洲
表1.2 效率效益(旅行延误时间减少比例)
技术种类 产生效益 国家
匝道控制 13%-48% 美国
匝道控制+VMS 19% 欧洲
VMS路径诱导 20% 欧洲
交通信号 8%-25% 美国
交通信号 10%-20% 日本
交通信号 20% 澳大利亚
交通信号 12%-48% 欧洲
事故管理 10%-45% 美国
事故管理 6%-12% 澳大利亚
车内导航 4%-20% 美国
需求管理 18% 欧洲
城市交通控制 10% 欧洲
车队管理 5% 欧洲
ETC 71% 欧洲
公交优先 7%-19% 欧洲
集成的城市交通管理 25% 欧洲
动态路径诱导 4%-8% 欧洲
动态路径诱导 约15% 日本
表1.3 环境效益(汽车尾气排放减少比例)
技术种类 产生效益 国家
需求管理 50% 欧洲
城市交通控制 26%-30% 欧洲
车内路径诱导 5% 欧洲
信号优化 9.8%-15.8% 美国
VMS路径诱导 5%-10% 欧洲
动态路径诱导 5%-16% 美国
电子收费 45%-83% 美国
电话路径选择诱导 1.5%-33% 美国
表1.4 环境效益(能源消耗比例)
技术种类 产生效益 国家
电子收费 5% 欧洲
车队管理 4% 欧洲
车内导航 5% 欧洲
动态路径诱导 13% 美国
交通信号控制 4% 欧洲
交通信号控制 6%-13% 美国
高速公路管理 42% 美国
所谓交通管理工作中信息技术的应用,顾名思义就是将高速发展的信息技术应用于交通管理当中,加强道路的使用率,提高交通管理效率,使我国交通在原有道路的基础上,提高每条道路的通行能力,尽可能的解决交通问题。现在国际上通行的称谓是智能交通系统( Intelligent Transportation System,ITS), ITS是以全球定位系统 GPS( Global Positioning System)、地理信息系统 GIS( Geographic Information System)以及管理信息系统 MIS( Management Information System)简称“3 S”( GPS、 GIS、 MIS)予以支持,将先进的信息技术、传感技术、数据通信技术、计算机网络技术等各类学科的知识综合的利用,加强道路体系智能化的管理,提高整个交通管理的综合利用率,建立综合集成的系统工程,完善对交通运输的管理,加强各方面的配合和融汇,全面提高对道路使用情况的监督,实现全方位的、及时的、准确的、高效的管理,使整个交通运输都在系统掌握中,这样就能行之有效的避免交通中存在的问题。该体系的建立对于城市交通管理部门而言具有重大的意义,是解决城市交通问题向前迈出的一个有力的依据。首先,该体现的建设有利于交通管理部门及时了解各交通设施的通行能力,然后加以利用和改善,缓解交通拥挤问题;其次,有利于交通部门及时的解决交通中存在的问题,及时的发现问题,提高预警、救援能力,减少交通事故带来的财产损失和人员伤害。加大了对事故的协调能力,避免二次事故的发生,提高交通事故的解决效率。最后,智能管理体系的应用能够有效的实现能源节约,减少交通运输带来的环境污染问题,使交通运输的发展像节约型转变,加强与环境保护相协调,建立可持续化发展社会。
表1.5 美国、欧洲、日本ITS应用的效益预测指标
效益 欧洲(2017年) 美国(2015年) 日本(2020年)
减少交通阻 塞 出行耗时减少25%
公共交通延误减少50% 出行耗时减少41% 交通拥挤时间减少10%
能耗与环境保护 空气污染减少25% 能源节约6%
空气污染减少6% 能耗减少15%
降低运输成 本 运营成本减少25% 运营成本减少5%
新增市场商机 约4300亿美元 约50000亿日元
ITS的研究最早起源于美国,在二十世纪六十年代,美国开始研究电子路径诱导系统ERGS (Electronic Route Guidance System),该项研究可以认为是智能交通系统的先驱性研究。到了二十世纪八十年代中期,位于美国加利福利亚州的研究机构成功研究了PATHFINDER系统,进而加速了智能交通系统的发展。之后,美国的研究机构开始研究智能化车辆—-道路系统(IVHS:Intelligent Vehicle-Highway System);1990年美国国家运输部正式成立了智能化车辆道路系统(IVHS)组织;1991年美国国会通过了“综合地面运输效率法案”,该法案中提出美国应该要发展经济、高效、环保、智能的国家级综合地面运输系统,以提高交通客运和货运的运输效率。1992年,美国运输部、联邦顾问委员会和全国智能交通协会联合制定了“智能交通系统”发展战略计划。1993年,美国国家运输部正式启动了 ITS体系框架开发计划,目的是要开发一个经过详细规划的国家 ITS体系框架,这一体系框架将指导 ITS产品和服务的配置,它将在保持地区特色和灵活性的同时为全国范围内的兼容与协调提供保证,并允许在产品和服务上展开自由、公平的竞争。